Vai TU tici Ziemassvētku vecītim, Mežaveča rūķīšu bandai, Circenītim Ziemassvētkos un Dūdieviņam? Bet varbūt netici un viss?
Ziemassvētkus gaidot, koris MASKA diriģenta Jāņa Ozola vadībā klausītājiem sagatavojis īpaši kosmosīgu svētku programmu. Kora skaņās tiks izdziedātas leģendārās vokālās grupas “Cosmos” Ziemassvētku melodijas. Grupas 2005. gada albuma “Ticu Un Viss” skaistākos skaņdarbus, kā arī citas iemīļotas “Cosmos” aranžijas MASKA iedzīvinās kora skanējumā, vedot klausītājus gan apcerīgā skaņu ceļojumā, gan dāvājot devu laba humora.
ZieMASKAsvētki ir ikgadējs Mārupes novada jauktā kora MASKA lolots Ziemassvētku koncerts. Jau tradicionāli MASKA piemeklē īpašu repertuāru, ko dāvināt saviem klausītājiem sezonas sirsnīgakajā koncertā, un arī šis gads nav izņēmums. Par repertuāra izvēli 2023. gada ZieMASKAsvētkiem diriģents Jānis Ozols saka šādi:
“Apcerot repertuāru ZieMASKAsvētku koncertam, prātā ienāca doma, ka grupai “Cosmos” savulaik bija daudz skaistu populāru melodiju aranžiju, kuras pēc grupas aiziešanas no lielās skatuves neviens vairs neatskaņo. Ir pagājis krietns laiks kopš tās pēdējo reizi dzirdētas “dzīvajā” izpildījumā, un MASKA neapšaubāmi ir tas kolektīvs, kuram pienākas gods “Cosmos” repertuāru ietērpt kora skaņās. Arī man pašam tā būs pastaiga skaistās atmiņās no saviem “Cosmos” laikiem.”
Mārupes novada jauktais koris MASKA izcīnīja uzvaru starptautiskā kormūzikas festivāla “City of Derry International Choir Festival” Ziemeļīrijā starptautiskajā koru konkursā, sīvā cīņā pārspējot augsta līmeņa korus no Norvēģijas, Šveices, Lielbritānijas un citām valstīm. Festivāls notika laikā no 19. līdz 22. oktobrim Ziemeļīrijas pilsētā Derijā.
Koris MASKA mākslinieciskā vadītāja un diriģenta Jāņa Ozola vadībā izpildīja četrus dažādas sarežģītības līmeņu skaņdarbus, lai demonstrētu spēju izpildīt dažādu žanru mūziku. Vislielākās publikas ovācijas un žūrijas vērtējumu izpelnījās latviešu komponista Ērika Ešenvalda skaņdarba “Ainava ar ganiem” izpildījums.
Kā jau tas vairākkārtīgi ir pierādījies, tieši latviešu kormūzika turpina pārsteigt pasauli. Ērika Ešenvalda mūzika vispatiesāk, emocionālāk un vissirsnīgāk izskan tieši latviešu izpildījumā. Ļoti priecājamies par mums doto iespēju iepazīstināt starptautisko kormūzikas pasauli gan ar kori MASKA, gan arī ar augstvērtīgu Latvijas kormūziku. Protams, esam neizsakāmi laimīgi par izcīnīto uzvaru šajā prestižajā konkursā.
Jānis Ozols
Derijas starptautiskais kormūzikas festivāls šogad notika jau desmito reizi. Tas kļuvis par ļoti nozīmīgu notikumu Ziemeļīrijas muzikālajā dzīvē, kā arī ir vienīgais šāda veida starptautiskais kormūzikas festivāls visā Apvienotajā karalistē. Nedēļu garais festivāls ir kormūzikas svētki, kas piedāvā pasaulslavenu vokālo grupu uzstāšanos, vietējo un starptautisko kormūzikas konkursu, mūzikas meistarklases, izglītojošus pasākumus koru diriģentiem un dziedātājiem, kā arī koncertus ievērojamās vietās Derijas un tuvākās apkārtnes iedzīvotājiem. Festivālā katru gadu piedalās vairāk kā 60 koru no visas pasaules.
Nedēļas garo koncerttūri Ziemeļīrijā un Īrijā koris noslēdza, koncertējot kopā ar Īrijas latviešu koriem “eLVē” un “LA`IR”. Dublinā notiekošais koncerts pulcēja latviešu kormūzikas cienītājus, lai ne tikai klausītos kora MASKA sniegumu, bet arī kopā sadziedātos, izpildot šī gada Dziesmu svētku iecienītākās dziesmas.
Šī gada 4. jūnijā Latvijas Nacionālās Operas Jaunajā zālē pirmizrādi piedzīvos kora mini opera “Babītes Baobabs”. Operas mūzikas autors ir dziedātājs un komponists Jānis Šipkēvics, bet tekstus radījis dzejnieks Marts Pujāts.
“Babītes Baobabs” ir mini opera jauktajam korim, solistiem un instrumentiem – četrrocīgām klavierēm, basģitārai un perkusijām. Latvijas kormūzikā šāda tipa jauniestudējums tiek īstenots pirmoreiz.
Ar “Babītes Baobabu” būsim pirmais amatierkoris Latvijā, kas klausītājus un skatītājus iepazīstina ar šāda formāta kormūziku. Koris no ierasti stacionāra skaņas avota pārtaps par kustīgu kopumu, kļūstot par daļu no izrādes scenogrāfiskā noformējuma, kas cieši savijas arī ar iestudējuma kustību režiju. MASKAi šis ir izaicinājums, taču esam priecīgi satraukti par gaidāmo pirmizrādi un ļoti izbaudām mēģinājumu procesu,
komentē “Babītes Baobaba” idejas autors un kora MASKA diriģents Jānis Ozols.
Iestudējuma stāsts skatītājus vedīs ceļojumā pa Babītes ezera viļņiem, meklējot tajā augošo baobabu, kura simbolisko nozīmi atklāj kora mini operas mūzikas autors Jānis Šipkēvics:
“Babītes Baobabs” ir stāsts par to, kā puisis un meitene brauca pāri Babītes ezeram meklēt Babītes baobabu, bet atrada viens otru. Un arī baobabu.
Kora mini operas kustību režisore ir horeogrāfe un kustību māksliniece Elīna Gediņa, savukārt scenogrāfiju un kostīmus veidojusi scenogrāfe Pamela Butāne. Iestudējuma vizuālā noformējuma galvenais elements ir kora dziedātāju skatuves tērpi. Kustību režija cieši mijiedarbojas ar scenogrāfiju un izmanto mainīgo kora koptēlu iestudējuma stāsta izklāstīšanai.
Biļetes uz 4. jūnija koncertu pieejamas:
Pēc pirmizrādes “Babītes Baobabu” plānots izrādīt publikai arī citviet Latvijā. Iestudējums un tā scenogrāfija apzināti veidoti mobili un viegli uzstādāmi teju jebkurā telpā, lai kora mini opera spētu nonākt pie pēc iespējas plašāka un daudzveidīgāka klausītāju loka.
Pieminot 1941. gada deportācijas, Babītes novada jauktais koris MASKA radījis Vladimira Martinova skaņdarbu “Beatitudes” jaunās skaņās. Tā ieskaņojuma video pirmo reizi atskaņots Babītes novadā, atceres pasākuma “Aizvestie. Neaizmirstie. 80 gadi kopš 14. jūnija deportācijām” ietvaros. Šis skaņdarbs ar Mateja evaņģēlija lūgšanu tekstu latviešu valodā tapis īpaši deportāciju atceres dienai Babītes novadā.
Ideja par V. Martinova skaņdarba atskaņojumu ar tekstu latviešu valodā radās kora MASKA diriģentam un mākslinieciskajam vadītājam Jānim Ozolam.
“Šis ir viens no maniem pašiem mīļākajiem kormūzikas skaņdarbiem. Jau kādu laiku biju domājis par veidu, kā piešķirt šai dziesmai vēl papildu dimensiju un, pateicoties Babītes novada lūgumam, šķiet, izdevies radīt ko ļoti skaistu. Priecājos, ka latviešu valoda šim skaņdarbam piestāv. Komponistam ir izcili izdevies mūzikā ietērpt “gaišās skumjas”, tā ir tieši tā sajūta, ko jūtu, domājot par izsūtīšanām”, tā Jānis Ozols.
Jānis Ozols arī atzīst, ka pandēmijas un virtuālo mēģinājumu apstākļos radīt jaunu, kvalitatīvu audioierakstu ir liels izaicinājums. Tajā liels nopelns ir kora vokālajai pedagoģei, komponistei Laurai Jēkabsonei, kura ne tikai rūpējas par koristu vokālo mākslu, bet arī sagatavo tehnisko pamatu, lai attālināti tapušie skaņdarbu ieskaņojumi būtu tikpat labskanīgi kā klātienes izpildījums.
Pateicamies video autoram – Latvijas Dzelzceļa darbiniekam Sergejam Tretjakovam, kurš iemūžinājis sliežu ceļu posmā Lode – Jāņamuiža – Cēsis, un Latvijas Okupācijas muzejam par sadarbību.
Īpaša pateicība Babītes novada pašvaldībai par atbalstu idejas realizācijai.
July 16, 2019 choir MASKA began its longest and most ambitious tour, where we had planned three competitions in three weeks and a few concerts on top of that.
The first part of the tour was really successful as choir managed to get gold prizes both in renaissance and contemporary music categories as well as Grand Prix of 35th Takarazuka International chamber choir competition. It is a great joy that Latvians have come up winning the event repeatedly, since Youth choir “Kamēr…” had already done it a few years ago.
Japan tour continued with choir MASKA performing a 2-hour solo concert in Kyoto’s Nagaokakyo Memorial culture centre Great Hall on July 23. It was a great honour to perform in the concert series with such world-famous artists as The King’s Singers, Sofia Vokalensamble and KammerChor Saabrucken. MASKA was very well recieved, as we got a lot of really nice words and best wishes for following events. We believe that many of our new Japanese fans are listening to our newest CD “Dedication”.
The next day MASKA caught a bullet train to Tokyo, where a special master class was held wiht Japanese choir “Gaisma”, working on pieces of Latvian choral music. Later choirs held a concert in Morishita Culture centre hall, performing 3 Latvian choir pieces together. On July 25 the two choirs met again in a very warm and friendly acceptance in Embassy of Latvia in Japan, having nice talks, building new friendships and of course – singing together.
The following days in Tokyo were spent, participating in 2nd Tokyo International Choir Competition), which is one of the four legs for World choral Grand Prix. MASKA performed in mixed choir category, where we came 1st and contemporary music category, where we landed 2nd place. Having the possibility to perform in the final round, we performed “Stars” by Ēriks Ešenvalds as well as two pieces that are dedicated to our choir – Part Uusberg’s “O Magnum Mysterium” and “Nāc, Dieviņi!” by Laura Jēkabsone. Performing these beautiful pieces to our best capabilities let us win the Grand Prix of the competition and be nominated to the final of World Choral Grand Prix in fall of 2020 in Rimini, Italy.
The grand tour was wrapped up in Gothenburg, Sweden, where choir MASKA represented Latvia in international TV choir competition “Eurovision Choir 2019”. In the semi-final round MASKA performed powerful “Father Thunder” by Laura Jēkabsone, which granted us a spot in the final round with two other choirs. Performing yet another masterpiece by Laura Jēkabsone – “Nāc, Dieviņi!” – we came up second, wherefore Danish choir “Vocal Line” were crowned the winners of this year’s event, leaving “Jazzva” from Slovenia in 3rd place.
We are truly happy for the support and cheering the choir has felt during these weeks – thank you! Special thanks to Babīte municipality for always supporting us and for the nice welcome home togehter with friends, families, choir “Atskaņa” and members from kokle ensamble “Balti”.
LTV has announced that Koris Maska will represent Latvia at Eurovision Choir of the Year 2019 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The Latvian national broadcaster has announced that Koris Maska will be representing the nation at the second edition of Eurovision Choir of the Year 2019. Koris Maska was selected by a jury at the Latvian broadcaster formed of:
Koris Maska was formed in 2000 and is a mixed choir from the Babīte Municipality. The choir has competed in choral competitions across Europe and has performed in countries such as Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia and Australia.
Reacting to their selection as the Latvian participants for the contest in August, Kaspars Ādamsons commented:
I feel the mythological power that comes from the sounds of nature and Latvian folk songs, gradually growing and culminating in the mighty Thunder. The movement and their synchronous performance give the performance a ritual mystery, while the national singing chamber allows the listener to appreciate the power of Latvian tradition in music.
December 15 at 18:00, mixed choir MASKA and conductor Jānis Ozols invite you to “ChristMASKAs with Kaspars Zemītis” in St. John’s church in Riga!
For many years choir MASKA creates wonderful concerts in the time of advent, performing new Christmas songs and cooperating with greatest Latvian musicians. This time it is the guitar virtuoso Kaspars Zemītis.
Tickets can be found in:
Meklējam jaunus dziedātājus, kuri vēlas pievienoties korim MASKA un kopā meklēt jaunas pasaules malas.
Ja jūti, ka dzīvē pietrūkst muzikālu izaicinājumu, un proti dziedāt, gaidīsim Tevi uz noklausīšanos 1. oktobrī.
Lūdzu, aizpildi pieteikuma formu. Par noklausīšanās norisi un konkrētu laiku informēsim Tevi e-pastā.
Informāciju par mēģinājumu norises laikiem un vietu atradīsi sadaļā Kontakti.
Five years have passed and the magical moment, when all choristers join in a unite song is just around the corner. In other words – the XXVI Latvian Song celebration is here, this time dedicated to the Latvian centenary.
We, Choir MASKA, are especially happy to be an important part of the celebration, since we will:
It is a very tense time for the choir, however it is spent with great joy of being together and strengthening the traditions of singing. Hope to see you in the events and concerts. We will be especially happy about the support during the Song wars, where we will perform as #7 in the group that starts at 19:30. More info about this event can be found here.
About other events of the celebration please follow and celebration’s facebook page.
On May 4 choir “Maska” had the honour to participate in the celebration of the Restoration of independence day, performing a great concert “The stops of freedom” right by the Monument of freedom. Choir is really happy to be a part of the central event of this celebration, especially due to this being the year of Latvian centenary. MASKA starts the performance at 50th minute, however we recommend to watch all the performance, where you will hear some old and some new stories:
On the Good Friday (March 30) we invite you to W. A. Mozart- REQUIEM.
Will be performed the version by Desire Dondeyne.
Ending the busy season and entering the significant year of centenary of Latvia, choir “Maska” spent three weeks in Australia, bringing Latvian choir music to this very far, far land and giving all the best both to the local Latvian society and Australians. These three weeks were full of various adventures and beginning of new friendships.
On December 25, just a few days after choir’s annual concert ChristMASKAs, which we enjoyed together with Vestards Šimkus, the choir got onto plane and began the journey to the other side of the planet – Australia, where the choir’s first concert tour outside of Europe was awaiting. If we don’t consider the unlucky situation that the luggage of 2/3 of the choir was left in Beijing, the traveling was successful and on December 28 MASKA gave the first concert at the opening of 35th Australian Latvian Youth days, for the first time singing in regular clothes, as the costumes were only on their way to Sydney. On the following day, choir gave a full 2,5h concert in Sydney Latvian house, gathering a full house of both Australian Latvians and guests. A full review can be found in newspaper “Latvietis”.
On the last day of 2017 choir’s artistic director Jānis Ozols led a workshop for Sydney’s choir society, showing the best warm-up and vocal exercises, and together with choir MASKA singing several songs form the repertoire of the following song festival dedicated to centenary of Latvia. Choir celebrated the coming of year 2018 in Sydney Latvian house in a fun event together with Australian Latvians, creating more and more new friendships.
On January 3 choir went to the capital of South Australia – Adelaide. After enjoying quality free time, on January 6 choir gave the hottest concert in choir’s history, since the temperature both outside and inside of Adelaide St. Peter’s church was 42.5°C
Further the choir traveled to Melbourne via the Great Ocean Road, enjoying three beautiful days, full of marvelous landscapes, look-outs, hiking paths and ocean itself. Although there wasn’t a workshop planned to be held also in Melbourne, however local choirs – mixed choir “Daina” and male choir “Veseris” asked for one really nicely, since they also wanted to obtain the knowledge from Jānis Ozols and sing together with MASKA, and their wish was granted on January 10.
A really special concert occurred on January 12, when the choir gave a pop-up concert in Victoria State library – the beautiful “Cowen Gallery”. Choir MASKA really values this chance to be the ambassadors of Latvian choir music and culture in the very beginning of the year of centenary of Latvia. The concert was attended by many locals and the guests of the city, who were introduce to the classics of Latvian choir music, as well as some best peaces of contemporary artists. On January 13 choir gave a full concert in Melbourne Latvian house, pleasing both Australian Latvians and guests with a versatile concert.
Choir is truly blessed with the time spent in Australia. We wish to thank the Australian Latvian society, especially the families who opened their doors and took in choristers both in Sydney and Melbourne. A special thanks goes to the active organizers – Sandra Draguns and Anita Andersone. This tour will always have a special place in the memory of every chorister as an unforgettable adventure.
In the beginning of November choir “Maska” went to Basque Country, Spain to participate in 49th Tolosa Choral Competition, that is also one of the European Choral Grand Prix events. The fact that the participating choirs do not only compete for the main prize, but also give concerts in towns and villages across the Basque country makes this competition quite special.
Before the competition “Maska” was in three towns – Ordizia, Getxo and Taffala – where concerts were given, and the Basque people seemed to like us a lot, giving warm applause and shouting bravo! even if the piece was not finished yet. With special joy we came back to the two towns that we visited also back in 2014, where the people actually remembered us and wished all the best in this year’s competition.
November 4 was the day, when “Maska” participated in both polyphony and folklore categories (both with the interval of one hour). The choir was ready for a good start and in both 20 minute programmes gave it all out… Now it was up to the jury.
We got to know the results, whilst having wonderful dinner in our Basque home town Zarautz. The loyal guides gave the good news that we have won folklore category and came in 2nd in the polyphony, which was followed by less good news, that the winner of children’s category – The Resonanz Children’s Choir from Indonesia – has gotten more points and are announced the winners of the competition.
“Maska” is proud of this achievement, wants to thank a lot for the support that is coming from friends and families and most importantly – Babīte municipality. Also, “Maska” wishes the winners of the competition all the best in EGP final. Meanwhile choir is actively preparing for Independence day concert in Babīte municipality (November 17), 3rd ZieMASKAsvētki with Vestards Šimkus in Riga Cathedral (December 23) as well as the trip to Australia in the end of the year.
During this weekend mixed choir “Maska” has won the Grand Prix of 15th international choir contest “Tallinn 2017” that took place in the prestigious venue of “Estonia” concert hall in Tallinn.
The international choir contest in Tallinn is being held since 1972 and this year 31 choirs and vocal groups from Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany and Belarus participated in the competition.
Choir “Maska” participated in three categories, getting the highest score in mixed choir and contemporary music categories, as well as being second best in the folklore category. This performance allowed the choir to qualify to the final, where “Maska” was the best of the best and won the Grand Prix!
During the competition choir “Maska” performed in the opening concert in Tallinn’s Methodist church as well as in a night concert in “Hopneri Maja” concert hall in Tallinn’s old town. The final was broadcasted in Estonian national radio and supporters could also hear the performance via web.
Choirs were vetted by a serious international jury: Tone Bianca Dahl (Norway), Basilio Astulez Duque (Spain), Georg Grün (Germany), Heli Jürgenson (Estonia), Ko Matsushita (Japan).
“I am truly proud about what we have accomplished. For my beloved youngsters. For Latvia. It is almost unbelievable that with our songs we – the Maska-family again and again prove to the foreign auditory that our country’s glory of the choral singing has not disappeared. And it is especially nice to hear the whole audience chanting the word “Latvia” although you are abroad” says choir’s artistic director and conductor Jānis Ozols.
“Maska” performed pieces both by Latvian and foreign composers, including Arvo Pärt, Pärt Uusberg, Micheal Berkley, Perttu Haapanen and Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdi as well as Pēteris Vasks, Laura Jēkabsone and Ēriks Ešenvalds.
Already this Saturday “Maska” will compete in live TV show hosted by national broadcaster Latvian Television – “Latvija dzied!” (“Latvia sings!”). This a selection event to name the choir that will be participating from Latvia in the first “Eurovision choir of the year 2017” event to be held in July. It will be broadcasted in LTV1 as well as in live-stream in the internet, so everyone has the possibility to tune-in and support “Maska”!
Within participation in the 13th international choir festival Sborove Slavnosti in Hradec Králové, mixed choir “Maska” held a concert tour in the Czech Republic. To brighten Latvia’s name in world of choral music, choir “Maska” performed pieces created only by Latvian composers, such as J. Mediņš, L. Garūta, P. Butāns, B. Skulte, L. Jēkabsone, Ē. Ešenvalds and others. Festival which is organised by Czech a capella masters “Gentleman singers” is one of the most important choral events in the country. This year it hosted four local choirs (mixed choirs “Smetana” and “JITRO” and female choirs “Vokální Harmonie” and “Kantilená”) as well as three guest choirs —“Cantemus” (Hungary), “Ad Una Corda” (The Slovak Republic) and “Maska” (Latvia).
During the festival, choir “Maska” gave seven concerts in Ostrava, Hradec Králové, Šumperk and Prague, where the audience greeted the choir with standing ovations. Festival’s gala concert was held in Hradec Králové’s historical Cathedral of The Holy Spirit, where all festival’s choirs together performed Leoš Janaček’s “Otčenaš” (“Our Father”) for mixed choir, tenor soloist, organs and harp. However, choir “Maska” concluded the tour with a special performance in Czech Philharmonic – majestic Rudolfinum’s most beautiful Dvořák Hall.
“Maska” popularized Latvian music not only by performing pieces exclusively done by Latvian composers, but also by organizing a workshop led by Jānis Ozols and Laura Jēkabsone. During the workshop, festival participants – both professionals and amateurs – were introduced to traditions of Latvian choral music, putting an emphasis on Latvian Song and Dance Festival phenomena, as well as the rich cultural heritage.
Choir’s visit to the Czech Republic was also noticed by fellow Latvians residing in the country. Latvia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary – His Excellency Mr. Alberts Sarkanis – attended one of the concerts held in Prague in the Czech Republic. During the last day of the festival, a reception of choir “Maska” to Latvian Embassy in the Czech Republic, where the ambassador stressed, how important are the activities done by Latvian culture workers in the terms of establishing foreign affairs, as well as thanked choir “Maska” for its input in creation of Latvia’s image in the world.
More about the festival and mixed choir’s “Maska” participation in it, you can find in festival’s Facebook page.
Babītes novada jauktas koris “Maska” no šī gada 7.-12. jūnijam pārstāvēs Latviju vienā no nozīmīgākajiem kormūzikas notikumiem Čehijā – 13. Starptautiskajā koru festivālā Sborove Slavnosti Hradeckrālovē. Festivālu organizē pasaulē atzītā vokālā grupa Gentlemen Singers un šogad festivāls pulcēs 4 korus no Čehijas, kā arī 3 viesu korus – jauktos korus “Cantemus” (Ungārija), “Ad Una Corda” (Slovākija) un “Maska” (Latvija).
“Maska” festivāla ietvaros sniegs 7 koncertus Ostravā, Hradeckrālovē, Šumperkā un Prāgā, viesojoties arī Latvijas vēstniecībā Čehijā. Iepazīstinot festivāla dalībniekus un apmeklētājus ar latviešu kormūziku, diriģentu Jāņa Ozola un Lauras Jēkabsones vadībā koris sniegs meistarklases par Latvijas kordziedāšanas tradīcijām.
Festivāla kulminācijā – galā koncertā vēsturiskajā Svētā Gara katedrālē kori izpildīs Leoša Janačeks (Leoš Janaček) “Mūsu Tēvs” (“Otčenas”) jauktajam korim, solistam, ērģelēm un arfai.
Koncertos Čehijā koris izpildīs latviešu komponistu skaņdarbus, izceļot klasiskas kormūzikas vērtības, gan atklājot mūsdienās radītās mūzikas daudzveidību. Koncertprogrammu, kurā iekļauti J.Mediņa, L.Garūtas, P.Butāna, B.Skultes, L. Jēkabsones, Ē.Ešanvalda un citu komponistu skaņdarbi, ikvienam būs iespēja dzirdēt arī koncertā 5. jūnijā plkst. 13.00 Piņķu sv. Jāņa ev. lut. baznīcā. Ieeja koncertā par ziedojumiem.
Jauniešu koris “Maska” ar vērienu noslēgs savu 15. gadu jubilejas koncertciklu 1.aprīlī Babītes Kultūrizglītības centra lielajā zālē. Zīmīgi, ka šis koncertcikls noslēgsies ar pasaules pirmatskaņojumu Lauras Jēkabsones ciklam “Acīm redzamais”, kas veltīts jauniešu korim “Maska” jubilejas gadā. Iespējams, šis būs viens no filozofiskākajiem skaņdarbiem Lauras daiļradē, jo pieskaras pārpasaulīgām tēmām, piemēram, cilvēks un daba, vientulība, dzīvnieku aizsardzība un citām globālām, acīm redzamām lietām.
Koncerts būs divās daļās un kā ierasts, ne bez dažādiem muzikāliem pārsteigumiem. Šajā koncertā “Maska” un diriģents Jānis Ozols, iespējams, pierādīs, ka kormūzika un dziedāšana kā tāda spēj sniegties pāri nedomājamām robežām, gan garīgi, fiziski un pat emocionāli.
Kora 15 gadus ilgajā pastāvēšanas vēsturē, dziedātāji un diriģenti ir apzinājušies klausītāja lomu un atbalstu, kas šajā koncertā spilgti atspoguļosies gan mūzikā, gan telpas atmosfēriskajā noskaņā un sajūtās.
Programmā, kā jau minēts Lauras Jēkabsones kompozīcijas, arī paša Jāņa Ozola aranžējums, Andra Sējāna, Džuzepes Verdī, Imanta Kalniņa u.c. komponistu mūzika. Tas viss tiks paspilgtināts ar īpaši šim koncertam piemeklētām video projekcijām.
CD “Ziema”(“Winter”) includes three major compositions written by Laura Jēkabsone dedicated to Christmas theme – „Advent Story”, „Xmas All Around the World” and “Ziema”. These compositions are performed by choir, soloists and various instrumental groups – pianist Aurēlija Šimkus, kokle ensemble “Balti”, guitar virtuoso Gints Smukais, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra string group; conducted by – choir’s artistic director Jānis Ozols.
The record is already available in the world’s most popular streaming services:
The record is also available in a tangible form at choir’s concerts or through contacting choir’s representatives.
We remind that CD’s presentation concert “ZieMASKAsvētki” will be held on December 20 in Riga Dome Cathedral at 19:00.
“Choir’s second CD and the concert is another culmination of choir “Maska” 15th anniversary. Composer Laura Jēkabsone has been choir’s vocal teacher that allows her to feel choir’s possibilities, sound and character. However, her signature can be described with lightness and specific melody, as well as attention to detail. In a result we have created an album in a Christmas mood, which is also a great way for Laura to be noticed as a great composer in the professional choir-music environment” emphasizes choir’s conductor Jānis Ozols.
Opus “Advent Story” tells the story about winter from Advent till the birth of Jesus Christ. Music is dominated by contrasts, which are created by variety in the performers as well as the specifics of the acoustic of the room and usage of rhythm percussions. „Xmas All around the World” is a journey in Santa’s sleigh around the world, visiting France, Ukraine, Sweden, Venezuela, Israel, South Africa, England and coming back to Latvia, having gather each nation’s most beautiful winter solstice songs. However, composition „Ziema” is for mixed choir, string orchestra, piano and soloist, that brings to life lyrics by Rainis and Aspazija, as well as composer herself.
December 20 19:00, Riga Dome Cathedral
PROGRAMME: Compositions composed by LAURAS JĒKABSONE
„Advent Story” for mixed choir, soloists and kokle ensemble in 6 parts
„Xmas All around the World” for mixed choir, guitar and percussion
“ZIEMA” („Winter”) for mixed choir, soloist, piano and string orchestra – PREMIERE!
Choir’s „MASKA” Christmas concerts have become an integral part of the most wonderful time of the year. This year „MASKA” is celebrating its 15 Year Anniversary year of choir lead by its conductor Jānis OZOLS will give an exclusive concert called „ZieMASKAsvētki” („ChristMASKAs”) in the Riga Dome Cathedral on the fourth Advent.
The concert programme consists of the music composed talented composer, singer and leader of the vocal group Latvian Voices – Laura Jēkabsone. These compositions are written specially for choir „MASKA”, soloists and different instrumental accompaniment that will be performed by musicians recognized both in Latvia and abroad:
“Advent Story” is a story about winter – from its very beginning and Advent time till the birth of Christ. It is music that’s full of contrasts made by the diversity of performers, acoustics of the church and rhythm percussion.
„Xmas All around the World” will take you on a musical trip around the world in Santa’s sleigh, visiting France, Ukraine, Venezuela, Israel, South Africa, England, eventually coming back to Latvia, having collected the most beautiful solstice songs from all the nations.
Whereas composition „Ziema” (“Winter”) is original music by Laura Jēkabsone, that enlivens poetry of the greatest Latvian poets celebrating their 150th Anniversary – Rainis and Aspazija, as well as some lines written by the composer.
This concert programme is also recorded in a CD “ZIEMA” and will be issued at the beginning of December.
Choir “MASKA” is one the best mixed amateur choirs in Latvia, achieving high results in competitions in Latvia and abroad. They are a creative unity and they stand out with a unique musicality and daring to be innovative by creating new interpretations and collaborations with other musicians.
Tickets available in all “Biļešu paradīze” box offices and
15% discount for students, pensioners and persons with disability. Free entrance for pre-school children if a separate seat is not occupied.
This September 15 years will turn since youth choir „Maska” was established. The anniversary season will open with a concert on 18th September at the Great Hall of the University of Latvia, and continue with a release of a Christmas CD and concert at the Riga Dome Cathedral on 20th December, as well as a concert on 1st April, 2016.
At the concert on 18th September you will hear the most significant compositions the choir has performed during 15 years of its existence, highlighting the development, most significant events, brightest emotions and victories of the time. The choir will perform pieces specially composed for them as well as compositions of Latvian and foreign composers, such as Vincent Clarke, Perttu Haapanen, James MacMillan, Jāzeps Mediņš, Jāzeps Vītols, Juris Vaivods, Pēteris Vasks, Renāte Stivriņa, Rihards Zaļupe, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Reinis Sējāns, Andris Sējāns, Jānis Šipkēvics (Shipsi) and conductor of the choir – Jānis Ozols.
An essential part of the concert will be compositions written by Laura Jēkabsone, who is choir-master of “Maska” and also leader of the vocal group “Latvian Voices”. Among the pieces composed for the choir, there will also be a world premiere of a new piece composed for the choir’s anniversary concert.
The concert’s special guest will be the instrumental group “Xylem Trio” that choir “Maska” has collaborated for many years with. It consists of percussionist Rihards Zaļupe and brothers Oskars and Raimonds Petrauskis playing saxophone and piano.
Youth choir “Maska” was founded in 2000 by its conductor Jānis Ozols. They have gained many achievements at international competitions and they are one of the best choirs in Latvia, also well recognized abroad. The choir is unique by its ability to perform not only in the frame of classical music, but also introducing creative innovations making choir music more attractive to every listener. The choir professionally performs both Latvian and foreign music from choir classics to contemporary music, as well as pop/folk/ethno compositions, often surprising the audience with ingenious performance solutions.
Tickets available at “Biļešu Paradīze” box offices and
Mixed choir “MASKA” of Babīte Municipality, was founded in 2000 by its conductor and artistic director Jānis Ozols is one of the best mixed choirs in Latvia. The choir is unique by its ability to perform not only in the frame of classical music, but also introduce creative innovations.
“MASKA” is proud of its success and high achievements over time. Since early days the choir has shown itself as an ambitious and creative collective, while actively performing in Latvia and abroad as well as taking part in international choir competitions and festivals (Italy , Slovenia , Czech Republic , Estonia , Finland , Germany , The Netherlands , Spain , Australia , Japan , Sweden , Belgium ).
Choir’s repertoire covers a vast range of music – from sacral to folk, classical to contemporary music, always searching for new interpretations of choral music and enriching their performance often surprising the audience with ingenious performance solutions. The choir cooperates with beloved and world-known Latvian musicians – such as marimba and percussions virtuoso and composer Rihards Zaļupe, Renāte Stivriņa, Jānis Šipkēvics (Shipsea), Jānis Ķirsis, the world famous pianist and composer Vestards Šimkus and Lithuanian composer Vytautas Miškinis, Estonian composer Pärt Uusberg have dedicated their compositions to choir “MASKA”.
An essential part of the choir’s repertoire is compositions written by Laura Jēkabsone – choir-master of “MASKA”, world-wide known as a composer and leader of the vocal group “Latvian Voices”. Her pieces composed for “MASKA” are performed worldwide in concerts and competitions.
Choir’s annual tradition is organizing a concert at Christmas time “ChristMASKAs”, performing world premieres of opuses commissioned to the choir with the best Latvian musicians.
The choir has released three CDs:
The records are available in streaming services. You can find out more in the section “Music”.
In August 2019 the choir will be represented Latvia in the international competition “Eurovision Choir 2019” in Gothenburg, Sweden, gaining 2nd place.
Jānis Ozols (1980) is one of the well-recognized and promising conductors in Latvia, Artistic Director of the “International Baltic Sea Choir Competition”, and is also known as one of the former vocal group “Cosmos” singers.
Currently he takes active role in the field of academic music in Latvia and abroad, being the conductor and artistic director of the Jāzeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Latvia Mixed Choir and mixed choirs “Maska” and “Pa Saulei”. He is also often working as jury member at international choir and singer competitions.
Jānis Ozols is the head conductor of Riga and Jurmala Region choirs and since 2018 he is member of the board of the Latvian Song Festival Foundation and Member of the Latvian National Centre for Culture Council in sector of choirs.
He was the Artistic Director of the Opening concert and the Sing-Along Night of the XXVI Latvian Song Celebration which took place in July 2018.
Jānis Ozols obtained his musical education in Emīls Dārziņš Music School and Riga Cathedral Choir School’s class of choir conducting. He acquired a bachelor’s degree in Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music in the class of choir conducting with the professor Sigvards Kļava and a master’s degree in choir conducting was supported by professor Jānis Zirnis. During 2013 and 2014 Jānis Ozols studied symphony orchestra conducting in Royal College of Music, Stockholm.
While being the baritone singer of the vocal a cappella group “Cosmos”, Janis has worked along with world known musicians. This includes master classes and concerts with Bobby McFerrin, “The Real Group”, “Take 6”, “The Manhattan Transfer”, “The Hilliard Ensemble”, “The New York Voices” and the Icelandic music icon Björk. “Cosmos” were the winners of contest “New Wave” in 2004. They have attained several prestige prizes and awards through different contests and events including the Great Latvian Music Award in 2009.
Jānis Ozols has reached notable achievements and won many prizes in Latvia and abroad with mixed choirs “Maska” and “Pa Saulei”. He has also proven his talent by taking the honourable 3rd place in the International Conductor Contest of Jāzeps Vītols in 2009 as well as by attaining many “Best Conductor” prizes at international choir competitions.
He does not stop at the achieved and constantly keeps developing himself. His musical view and interpretation often differs from the usual. Being open to creative innovations and musical experiments is what highlights him among other conductors and helps in fulfilling his own ideas which are highly appreciated both by music professionals and lovers.
Jānis is married, a father of three, and proud owner of two cats and a dog. He also manages to squeeze in his hobby in the tight schedule – Jānis likes to cook and you can find some of his culinary achievements published in his blog “Restaurant at Home and not only…”.
Eduards Vācietis (1989) is the vocal teacher and singer of “Maska” since 2013. He has a bachelor’s degree from The Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, vocal class of Barbro Marklund-Petersone. In 2009 Eduards graduated from Riga Cathedral Choir School, vocal singing class of Valda Tračuma.
Already in his childhood, Eduards proved himself as a talented and perspective singer, taking part in V.A. Mozart’s “Magic flute” in The Latvian National Opera (he was one of the three geniuses). Eduards has participated in master classes lead by Association of Latvian vocal pedagogues. 1st prize in Alīna Vāne international vocalist contest (2008), 3rd prize in State vocalist contests in Daugavpils (2008). Participated in Stuttgart Bach academy’s project, which was led by Helmuth Rilling, carrying out “War requiem” by Benjamin Britten (2007). Participated in the staging of W.A.Mozart’s “Don Jon” in Wilhelm theatre in Stuttgart (2013) as well as in Oslo Opera festival (2013). Has participated in various master classes lead by Sir Thomas Allen (The United Kingdom), Anita Garanča (Latvia), David L. Jones (USA), Emma Kirkby (The United Kingdom), Benton Hess (USA), Joseph Protschka (Germany) and others.
In 2013 Eduards gave F. Schubert vocal music concerts in Rundāle Castle and Riga Latvian Society House. Eduards also has cooperated with concert organization “Latvijas Koncerti”, singing solos of “Elijah” by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, “Carmina Burana” by K. Orff and others. He has participated in dubbing the BBC series “War and peace” and soundtrack of Rihards Zalupe music for movie “The Pagan King”. His debut as a baritone in large form genre to Latvian audience could be considered the role of Pontius Pilate in the stating of John Passion by Andris Veismanis in 2016.
In 2018 Eduards performed the baritone solo for Raimonds Pauls “Leo dziesma” from the play “Leo. Pēdējā bohēma” (“Leo’s Song”, “Leo. Last Bohemia”) with the State Choir “Latvija” and Liepaja Symphony Orchestra in the concert hall “Great Amber” in Liepaja with maestro Raimonds Pauls at the piano. In the beginning of 2019 he performed the baritone part of cantata “Dievs, Tava zeme deg!” (“God, Your Earth Is Burning!”) at its 75th Anniversary year in the place it was premiered – the St. Gertrude Old Church in Riga.
Since August 2013 Eduards is an artist and soloist in The State Choir Latvija and works as choirmaster in Seja Municipality mixed choir “Sēja” since 2018.
During his leisure time Eduards tries to be active – be it hiking, enjoying the nature or sports such as floor-ball and basketball. The long and dark winter evenings are spent with friends-enthusiasts “screwing” and reanimating old motorcycles, so during the summer the results can be enjoyed and summer breeze caught driving the bikes.
Līga Štrausa
Liga.Strausa [at]
Tel: +371 26459392