On the evening of 9 March best Latvian amateur choirs – “Maska”, „Sōla”, „Balsis”, „Maska”, „Emīla Dārziņa jauktais koris” – met in a contest hosted by Latvian Television to compete for the honor to represent Latvia at a concert of the greatest European choirs in Vienna on the 9th of May.
Each choir performed 2 songs – a Latvian folk song and an original composition. Us, youth choir “Maska”, performed Latvian folk song “Dindaru dandaru”, music composed by our conductor assistant and leader of the vocal group “Latvian Voices” – Laura Jēkabsone. The other composition “Solanum Tuberosum” is also composed by Laura Jekabsone and is a hymn devoted to potato, as Latvians own the record of potato consumption among all Europe countries.
Whole contest can be watched on Latvian Television archive. Youth choir “Maska” performs starting 6’47. Pictures from the contest are presented on Riga2014 home page.
The winning choir – choir “Sola” was determined by the grades given by jury and by voting of TV audience.